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Fun Fair!!!

long long time never go fun fair.
since dear said somewhere got fun park juz nearby our college,
so we decided go there on night of 31 July.
we taken bus mini went there.
huh...the bus driver are smoking over there,Oh My God! so smelly>.<

finally we reached fun fair at 8pm,
the workers juz start their job.
the fun park only both of us,the feeling quite weired... :'P
Dear played some games to win some gift for me...hehe!
overall he had won a little bear,2 key chains,1 candle...for me!haha!
i'm very happy because i can saw wat hav dear done for me.
thanks so much to my dear! MuacksSss...XD keep in touch ya^^



MOON said…
很浪漫丫.. :)

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