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i swear by the moon and the star in the sky...
and i swear like the shadow tat's by ur side...

i see the question in ur eyes...
i know wat's weighing on ur mind...
u can be sure i know my part...
cause i stand beside u through the years...
i'll only cry those happy tears...
and though i make mistakes...
i'll never break ur heart...

and i swear by the moon...
and the star in the sky i'll be there...
i swear like the shadow tat's by ur side i'll be there...
for better or worse,till death do us part...
i'll love u with every single beat of my heart...
and i swear...

by All 4 One

*i promise!i'll change my mistakes...*


Anonymous said…
Great post~
Green said…
haha!really meh?
Anonymous said…
nowdays ignore mama so much adi lo..
hmmm, but its ok alwaz like tat...haha...
Green said…
hey...said like i so 'shuai'...haiz...

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